Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions I get.
What is a Running Coach?
A running coach is an experienced and trained runner who can help you meet your running goals by determining what objectives you want to accomplish, whether it be to run your first race, run a personal best, or simply to just get in shape!
Check out my About page, or discover my Running Coach Services.
What should you not eat before running?
Did you know that foods high in fat, fiber and protein are foods you should not eat before running and be avoided. Too much fat or protein before a run can cause cramping, tiredness, as your body will be spending energy on digestion instead of running and are hard to fully digest!
Broccoli, artichokes, or other high-fiber veggies
Apples, pears, or other high-fiber fruits
Cheese, red meat, bacon, or other high-fiber foods
Caffeine (in large amounts)
Spicy foods
What should you eat before running?
These are a few of my staples! I recommend 300-400 calories two hours before you run! If running longer than 90 minutes add 100 calories per hour.
Banana and almond butter
Oatmeal and berries
Toast with 1/4 avocado or one to two tablespoons of nut butter
Can you train for a marathon in 6 months?
Training for a marathon in 6 months is ideal as it will allow you time to build up in a slow, progressive way starting with a weekly mileage of around 10 miles in the first week and peaking around 40 miles a week a couple weeks before race day!
Can anyone train for a marathon?
Although it is best to check with your physician first, anyone that is willing to put in the work can train for a marathon. Typically, a beginner should expect to train for 18-20 weeks running 25-45 miles a week.
How many weeks should I train for a marathon?
When training for a marathon runner should train 16-20 weeks to properly allow enough time to properly build up the weekly mileage to 40-50 miles a week.